If you are seeing this post it is probably because you are seeking a couple massage. However, if you live in Ohio, you must realize by now that we are now existing in a NEW NORMAL.
We are the best in the area when it comes to couple massage and we have the reviews to back that up, but we are now adjusting to our new normal…
I am going to make a statement that I hope will sink in – because I have had way too many calls from clients who don’t get that we now need to ALL adjust our expectations: WE ARE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC. Yes, we are allowed to do more things and the state and the U.S. has opened up many businesses, but we are still within the FIRST WAVE of the coronovirus pandemic.
Also, because our state, along with many others, have opened up BEFORE much-needed testing was in place, we will most likely end up right back close to where we started before this year is out. We, unfortunately, until a vaccine is found, or a treatment is found, will be dealing with this for some time to come.
We are now operating under state mandated rules and regulations. The State of Ohio which includes the Medical Board of Ohio, the Cosmetology Board, and the organizations involved with each of those, all got together with the Governor and they hashed out rules for us to follow. As such, they do not want the normal couple massage to take place while this pandemic is going on. They do not want groups in one room, regardless of whether they are in the same family or not.
We will have a few openings for couple massage during July. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please call or text Donna at 216-339-3401. We see texts first.
We are working very hard to keep our and your risk low when you visit with us. Our building management has instituted a serious cleaning plan and patrons and visitors are required to wear a mask. We are using a high-powered air purifier which filters the air several times per hour. Clients are required to wear masks and we will wear masks. You are required to wash your hands and/or use hand sanitizer upon entering our office. Your temperature is checked at the door and you are required to sign a Covid-19 waiver. We screen all clients ahead of time to see if they have traveled or been around anyone who has coronovirus. We are constantly washing our hands and sanitizing surfaces and equipment.
We are known for our awesome couple massages and we have a ridiculous number of reviews to prove it on Google Business and on our main website. However, the Governor has stated that no facility can have 4 people in one room. Therefore, we can see the two of you, at the same time, but in different rooms. I also now work exclusively with my male massage therapist who has worked with us since 2010. He has a perfect track record working on both male and female clients and he is one of the reasons we get the crazy reviews that we get. Basically, if he ever decides to leave us, I would give up doing couple massage, because it would be very difficult to reduplicate his skill set. So, step outside your comfort zone and come experience one of the best couple massages you will ever experience. Don’t let being in separate rooms keep you from coming in.
ALL salons, massage offices, nail salons, restaurants, and many other businesses are now required to keep a list of names and phone numbers of all patrons. In the event that a client comes in who finds out later that they have Covid-19, the health department or a contact tracer could contact our office. If that happens, and you were in the office during the two weeks prior, your NAME AND PHONE NUMBER ONLY would be given to the health department or contact tracer. No other information would be disclosed.
To reach us, call or text Donna at 216-339-3401. We see texts first.
Donna Agrinsonis
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