What is the Difference Between a Sports Massage and a Regular Massage?

Many clients over the years ask what the difference is between a sports massage and a regular massage?  The main difference is the sports massage is more targeted on the specific muscles you use in your sport, activity, or type of exercise. If you are involved in sports or you are doing grueling workouts or Continue Reading

Burn Boot Camp – A Much Better Option!

Burn Boot Camp in Beachwood, Ohio is a much better option for those ladies looking to really get in shape! Why Joining a Club Can Be a Problem I have spent over 20 years of my life working out alone.  I raised 4 children pretty much alone and I also had a high-powered career in Continue Reading

Do Foam Rollers Work?

For years, we have all heard that we need to stretch when we work out a lot.  I personally used to work out 6 days a week (years ago), and I paid personal trainers at various athletic clubs in Atlanta to train me in how to properly do my weight training and other functional exercise Continue Reading

Sports Massage Testimonials

I pulled together a few of our most recent sports massage testimonials. “Whoah!  My Mom set my appointment with Donna since I am in an area college and I am on the basketball team.  Unfortunately, we do not have massage at the school so I came here.  I was surprised at how knowledgeable she is Continue Reading